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Note: the data presented on this page is as of December 31, 2023

Exposure to Fossil Fuels Producers

Limited fossil fuel exposures

K College has limited exposure to fossil fuels producers, with the majority of the investments in these companies being part of low-cost index funds that have daily liquidity, and are not direct holdings rather companies that the managers have invested in.

Higher climate risk indicators

When examining a wide range of climate risk indicators the College scores well with: less emissions than the market index, a higher proportion of companies with science-based targets for emissions reduction, and a lower amount of climate value-at-risk.

Seeking sustainable management

The College also seeks investments with asset managers that account for material sustainability factors in their process, strategy, and portfolio construction; over the last 6 years the majority of new investment decisions have moved capital to sustainable managers.

Limited exposures via strategic partnership

Limited exposures via strategic partnership

K College has limited exposure to fossil fuels producers, with the majority of the investments in these companies being part of low-cost index funds that have daily liquidity, and are not direct holdings rather companies that the managers have invested in.

Higher targets and lower climate value-atrisk

Higher targets and lower climate value-atrisk

When examining a wide range of climate risk indicators the College scores well with: less emissions than the market index, a higher proportion of companies with science-based targets for emissions reduction, and a lower amount of climate value-atrisk.

Always seeking sustainable management

Always seeking sustainable management

The College also seeks investments with asset managers that account for material sustainability factors in their process, strategy, and portfolio construction; over the last six years the majority of new investment decisions have moved capital to sustainable managers.

Total Public Equity Exposure

Notes for Total Public Equity Exposure
  • MSCI ACWI – The acronym for the Morgan Stanley Capital International All Country World Index
  • Climate data calculated with manager holdings as of 4Q23. Market value calculations based on Kalamazoo College total NAV as of 1/31/2024

For more details on the metrics provided, visit the section on Key Climate Risk Metrics Explained.

K College

K College
$4.8 M


$7.1 M

Top 10 Companies Public Equity Exposure

Top 10 CompaniesK College (%)K College ($)MSCI ACWI (%)MSCI ACWI ($)Manager
1. Exxon Mobil0.3$0.5M0.6$0.9MR1K Value
2. Chevron Corporation0.2$0.3M0.4$0.6MR1K Value
3. Shell PLC0.1$0.2M0.3$0.5MArtisan
4. Conocophillips0.1$0.2M0.2$0.3MR1K Value
5. Reliance Industries Limited0.1$0.2M0.1$0.2MMFS Int’l Growth
6. Green Plains Inc.0.1$0.1M0.0$0.0MGMO Climate, R2K Index
7. Clean Energy Fuels Corp.0.1$0.1M0.0$0.0MGMO Climate, R2K Index
8. TotalEnergies SE0.1$0.1M0.2$0.4MArtisan
9. EOG Resources, Inc.0.1$0.1M0.1$0.2MR1K Value
10. Phillips 660.0$0.1M0.1$0.1MR1K Value
Top 10 Companies Total1.2$1.9M2.0$3.2M

Climate Risk Indicators

Notes for Climate Risk Indicators
  • VAR – The climate value-at-risk
  • SBTi Targets – Science Based Targets initiative and

For more details on the metrics provided, visit the section on Key Climate Risk Metrics Explained.

Portfolio Emissions

Key Climate Risk IndicatorsK CollegeACWI IndexDifference
Carbon Intensity – tons CO2/$ million sales101.2120.916%< Index
Carbon Emissions – tons/$ million67,255 84,10520%< Index

Company Transition Plans

Key Climate Risk IndicatorsK CollegeACWI IndexDifference
Companies with any emissions reduction target78.5%83.6%6%< Index
Companies with SBTi approved targets38.8%36.6%6%< Index
Proportion of emissions covered by SBTs40.0%20.8%92%> Index

Climate Value-at-Risk (VAR)

Key Climate Risk IndicatorsK CollegeACWI IndexDifference
Transition Risk-1.1%-4.6%76%<Index
Physical Risk-10.9%-10.8%1%> Index
Total Climate VAR-12.0%-15.4%22%<Index

K College Endowment Invested in Sustainable Managers

Notes for the K College Endowment Portfolio in Sustainable Managers
  • NAV – Net Asset Value
  • For cumulative new managers (since 2018) – If total public equities ($158.8M as of 1/31/2024) were proportionally invested in the passive MSCI ACWI index

For more details on the metrics provided, visit the section on Key Climate Risk Metrics Explained.

$106.4M of the $259.4M portfolio is sustainably aligned

36 new investments since 2018.
Out of the 36 new investments, 19 are sustainable

Key Climate Risk Metrics Explained

MetricsWhat is it?How do we use it?Role & Effectiveness
MSCI ACWIThe Morgan Stanley Capital International All Country World Index (MSCI ACWI) is a stock index designed to track broad global equity-market performance and is comprised of approximately 3000 companies.Allows us to benchmark our performance and progress against a standard index.N/A
Fossil Fuel Reserves (MSCI)A metric that explains direct & indirect exposure to fossil fuel reserves and is not limited to energy sector companies alone, but also identifies companies in other sectors that have reserves on balance sheet.It helps us explain the % of the portfolio invested in underlying companies that have proved and probable thermal coal, oil, and/or gas reserves used for energy purposes.A holdings-based analysis that screens for a company that may derive revenue from owning Fossil Fuel businesses or reserves.
Weighted Average Carbon IntensityA metric that explains the level of carbon emissions and carbon-intensive companies within the portfolio.It allows us to assess the efficiency of the portfolio in terms of emissions per unit of output. We normalize the metric across managers by tying it to revenue to reasonably gauge gross carbon emissions.An insightful analysis, that will only improve as emission disclosure increases; it provides a measure of emissions that is useful for comparisons with peers & benchmarks and tracking alignment with Net Zero objectives.
Climate Value-at-Risk (VAR)A metric that represents the present value of aggregated future policy risk costs, technology opportunity profits, and extreme physical scenarios (weather events).In modeling out a world 2.0-degree scenario, the analysis allows us to understand where companies are making positive paths forward through technology opportunities and where funds have exposure to negative consequences due to policy implementation or extreme weather events.The most comprehensive analysis to date; it allows us to monetize the risk of a given security, manager, or portfolio.
SBTi TargetsA company’s carbon emissions reduction target has been approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).Allows us to assess and align ourselves with companies that have made formal targets to reach Net Zero by a certain year, and/or have made deliberate carbon emission reduction targets via Scope 1-3.A useful way to assess company targets in the energy transition towards a net zero world.
Net Zero TargetsA target for companies that have made formal pledges or plans for: reaching -95% or higher reductions in aggregate Scope 1, Scope 2 reported or estimated and -67% (NZ 2030) or -90% (NZ 2050) of Scope 3 estimated absolute emissions by target year.Allows us to assess and align ourselves with companies that have made formal targets to reach Net Zero by a certain year, and/or have made deliberate carbon emission reduction targets via Scope 1-3.A useful way to assess company targets in the energy transition towards a net zero world.

Point of Contact

For questions, please contact Lisa VanDeWeert, Vice President for Business and Finance at